- UserID (セーブデータが消える前のもの)
- UserID (現在のもの)
- アカウント連携されているゲームユーザであれば、アカウント連携履歴から過去のアカウントを特定できます。
- 課金購入を行なっていた場合、その注文番号
If you used "Platform connection" in your lost game user, you can restore it.
Select "Save" on the title screen and check the save data management screen.
Press the "↓" button to display a list of data that can be restored.
Please check the play time and last saved date and time, and if you think it was played in the past, select the record and overwrite the save data on the current device.
If you could not find your account by it, please contact me directly with below informations.
- (Old) UserID
- (Current) UserID
- If you used platform connection, I can find your original account by platform connection history.
- Purchase history order number